Pandora Hearts (パンドラハーツ) is a Japanese manga series by Jun Mochizuki.
Originally starting serialization in the shōnen manga magazine GFantasy published by Square Enix in June 2006
It has also been announced that XEBEC will be making an anime adaption.
Oz Bezarius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree, darkened only by the constant absence of his father. At his coming-of-age ceremony, however, everything changes. For no reason that he can discern, he's cast into the prison known as the "Abyss", only to be saved by a "chain" known as Alice, the bloodstained black rabbit. Why was he cast into Abyss, how does Alice factor into it all, and what does the organization known as "Pandora" want with him?Terminology
- Chains Chein (チェイン)
- Beings from the Abyss. They must sign a contract with a human contractor in order to leave the Abyss. Chains involved in illegal contracts must continually consume humans to gain power.
- Contract Keiyaku (契約)
- An agreement between a chain and a contractor. The chain is bound within the contractor and can be called out at will. In return, the contractor provides passage for the chain out of the Abyss. In illegal contracts, a clocklike seal appears on the contractor's chest, over their heart. Each time the chain's powers are drawn, the hand in the seal moves like on a clock. Once the hand makes one full rotation, both the contractor and the chain are dragged into the deepest level of the Abyss.
- Contractor Keiyakusha (契約者)
- A human who makes a contract with a chain. There are certain procedures to making a contract, but impromptu contracts can also be made, although they are illegal.
- Abyss Avisu (アヴィス)
- The world that chains come from. It exists in a different dimension as the world, and as thus, time doesn't truly exist in the Abyss. A person can find themselves in any random time period upon exiting the Abyss.
- Will of the Abyss Avisu no Ishi (アヴィスの意志)
- The existence that governs the Abyss. Usually appears in the form of a bloodied rabbit doll.
- Four duke houses Yondai Koushaku Ke (四大公爵家)
- Consists of the Bezarius, Reinsworth, Nightray and Barma family. These four houses have been in existence since before the tragedy of Sabrié. They founded Pandora and each hold chains and a door to the Abyss. Of these four houses, the Bezarius and Nightray houses are thought of as exact opposites, like light and dark: the Bezarius house works publicly, while the Nightray house is responsible for doing the backstage work.
- Pandora Pandora (パンドラ)
- An organization founded by the four duke houses. It specializes in research regarding the Abyss.
- Tragedy of Sabrié Saburie no Higeki (サブリエの悲劇)
- The city of Sabrié was once the capital city of the world. However, 100 years ago, for unknown reasons, Glen Baskerville used a ritual to send the entire city, with its citizens, into the Abyss. Glen was then supposedly killed by the four duke houses.
- Doors
- Doors are gates to the Abyss that the four duke houses control. Each house has control over one, with Baskerville holding the last, fifth Door.
Main Characters
- Oz Bezarius Ozu Bezariusu (オズ ベザリウス) , Seiyū - Junko Minagawa (CD drama & Anime)
- The main character is a 15-year-old boy with blonde hair and green eyes from the prestigious Bezarius family of which his father is the head. The story of Pandora Hearts starts when Oz turns 15-years-old. During the ceremony to celebrate this reaching of adulthood, he is dragged into the Abyss for the crime of 'existing'. There he meets the chain Alice and makes a contract with her. Upon returning to the real world, he finds out that 10 years have passed. In order to find out what his sin meant, he now works under Break as part of Pandora.
- Oz normally has a bright, optimistic personality and is very energetic. Oz's mother was killed by the Nightray family. When he was young, he worked hard to gain praise and recognition from his father. However, he discovers that his father hates him to the point of not wanting him to touch him. After experiencing this traumatic event, Oz starts thinking that there is no guaranteed thing in the world. If he accepts everything, no matter sad or painful, then he wouldn't get hurt even if people leave him. He also thinks that in order to protect people, being so weak, the least he could do is not cause trouble and to let only himself get hurt. Thus, although his actions seem to be quite self sacrificing, Elliot says that it's only suicidal, and that he's only trying to protect himself. His disregard for his own safety has become his friends' burden to bear and one who takes their own life lightly has no right to protect anyone. After thinking things over, Oz decides to move forward, with help from Elliot.
- After travelling into the Cheshire cat's realm, Oz meets Jack Bezarius and has since been 'possessed' by him. Jack, using his body, makes a speech at the Pandora headquarters and since then Oz has been seen as a 'hero' by the public. Oz can swap conscience with Jack if he calls hard enough and he can sometimes see snippets of Jack's memories.
- According to Oz he is quite skilled with the sword, especially in self defense. However, he has no real experience in fighting.
- Oz likes girls younger than him and once wished to marry Sharon. He can stand alcohol.
- Gilbert Girubāto (ギルバート) , Seiyū - Azuma Sakamoto (CD drama)
- Oz's friend and servant. He was taken into the Bezarius family after being discovered in an injured state 15 years ago. He was invited by Oz to attend the coming of age ceremony as his friend. During the ceremony he was controlled by a chain and made to attack Oz. This was all in fulfillment of a prophecy made regarding Oz. After regaining consciousness, Gilbert manages to see the face of one of the hooded people and for some reason jumps in the way of Oz's attack to protect him. He goes on to become Raven.
- Alice Arisu (アリス) , Seiyū - Yukari Tamura (CD drama), Kawasumi Ayako (Anime)
- The heroine of the story. Alice first appears as a chain that Oz contracts with in the Abyss. In fact, she is actually the infamous B-rabbit (blood-eyed black rabbit), the strongest chain in the Abyss. In human form, Alice has long black hair with 2 side plaits. She has a huge appetite and loves meat especially. She is hotheaded, loud spoken and says what she thinks with out regard to consequence. Despite this, it is shown that she actually has a soft side, especially when Oz is concerned.
- Throughout the story, Alice is actually trying to find her lost memories. These memories actually play a major part of the story and it has been revealed that Alice was actually a human that was killed 100 years ago in the tragedy of Sabrié. The Cheshire cat reveals that Alice scattered her memories on purpose. She is also somehow related to Jack Bezarius and was perhaps killed by Vincent Nightray according to Chapter 19.
- Jack Bezarius Jakku Bezariusu (ジャック ベザリウス)
- The one who 'defeated' Glen Baskerville. He is revealed to have some sort of connection with Alice's memories and Raven's past. Jack looks uncannily like a grown-up Oz with a long plait. His personality is also quite similar; he does things at his own pace and is loud and cheerful. Oz and Gilbert meet him when they are taken to the Cheshire cat's dimension. He is currently residing in Oz's body and can 'possess' Oz and speak through him. When in control, Jack also has full control of Alice's chain power.
- Jack was the third son of the Bezarius family who was, before the Tragedy, a third rate nobel family. Thus, with no expectations from his family, he acted quite freely; always smiling, joking and flirting with girls. Jack is also a self proclaimed music box maker. His best friend at that time was Glen Baskerville, head of the Baskerville family. They made a pocket watch together with Jack crafting it and Glen writing the music. Later, Jack kills Glen as he started the Tragedy of Sabrié. Although hailed as a hero for this act, Jack really did not want to kill his best friend. He also showed true anger when Lotti suggested that he killed him to gain fame and glory. Jack has revealed that Glen is actually still living. Despite this, he says to that Baskervilles that if they wish to repeat what happened then he will once again turn his body into a blade that will destroy the death gods.
- Raven Reibun (鴉) , Seiyū - Katsuyuki Konishi (CD drama), Toriumi Kousuke(anime)
- First appeared as a member of Pandora who went to retrieve Oz after he escaped from the Abyss. His real identity is Gilbert and is referred to as so after Oz discovers this. After the ceremony 10 years ago he was adopted by the Nightray family and thus feels that he betrayed Oz as they were the prime suspects in the assassination of Oz's mother. In hopes to eventually rescue Oz from the Abyss Gilbert trained hard in gunmanship and even killed to tame the Nightray family's chain 'Raven'. He uses its power to somewhat control the B-rabbit through Oz, preventing side effects like the clock hand moving. Raven often has fights with Alice, but both are fond of Oz. He had no memory of Vincent before they met at the Nightrays. In Chapter 19, after seeing Vincent in Alice's memories from 100 years ago, Oz suspects that Gilbert may have also traveled in time via the Abyss like himself. He still hates cats and is a wonderful cook. After drinking alcohol he reverts back to his 'Gilbert' self: insecure cry-baby. Rufus Barma reveals that he tried to quit smoking 8 times and failed.
- Vincent Nightray Vinsento Naitorei (ヴィンセント ナイトレイ)
- Vincent is Gilbert's younger brother. As the Bezarius family found Gilbert, the Nightray family similarly adopted Vincent. His left eye is golden like Gilbert's, but his right eye is wine-red and his long hair is also golden in color. Loves his brother Gilbert to the point of slight obsession. Has an easy-going personality on the outside and is often seen smiling. However, it is shown that Vincent also has a dark, unstable side.
- According to recent speculation, Vincent may also have been from 100 years ago. In Alice's memory, a young Vincent is seen walking among corpses, gouging out eyes and intestines with a pair of scissors saying that 'it's not his fault'. He is also shown to be meeting with suspicious characters that look like the ones that attacked Oz and Raven upon their re-entrance to the Bezarius manor.
- Sharon Reinsworth Sharon Reinzuwãsu (シャロン レインズワース) , Seiyū - Yui Horie (CD drama), Hanazawa Kana (Anime)
- The Lady of the Reinsworth household. Sharon is a member of Pandora and looks like a young girl. In fact her appearance does not change from her first meeting with Oz to after he came out of the Abyss. She has a legal contract with Eques the Unicorn. Sharon and Break have a close relationship. She was the one that discovered Break in fatal condition after his eye was taken. When she was young, she used to call Break 'Xarks-nii' as he was like a big brother to her. She wants to be of use to him. Sharon loves tea and cakes. She also looks a lot like her mother Shelly Reinsworth. After drinking she develops a queen complex. Oddly enough Oz finds this cool.
- Xarxes Break Zãkushĩzu Bureiku (ザークシーズ ブレイク) , Seiyū - Toshihiko Seki (CD drama), Ishida Akira (Anime)
- Commonly known as Break, he is a member of Pandora and a servant of the Reinsworth household. He has a legal contract with the Mad Hatter. Break is often seen with a doll on his shoulder (which he calls Emily). He adores sweets and cakes. From the outside, Break seems like a carefree character, never serious and always smiling. When needs be, however, Break shows his 'dangerous' and evil side. Reim tells Oz that Break wasn't always the way he is now. Before, after losing his eye, he was a bitter and angry person, never smiling. However, through the kindness of Shelly, Sharon's mother, he began to open up. He has sworn absolute loyalty to Shelly.
- Break has no left eye. He reveals that the Will of the Abyss took it from him and that the Cheshire's eye was his. Break's true motive is to find the truth behind what happened 100 years ago. He hates Vincent with a passion.
- It was revealed by Rufus Barma in chapter 29 that his real name is Kevin Regnard.
- Other Charcter
- Oscar Osukã (オスカー)
- Oz's uncle. He is easy-going and very caring. Oscar was the one who found Gilbert and brought him to the Bezarius household. Both Oz and Raven treat him as a father-like figure. Gets along well with Break.
- Ada Eida (エイダ)
- Oz's little sister who adores him very much. In the space of 10 years she now attends Latowidge (ラトウィッジ), a prestigious school for nobles, of which she is a prefect. She keeps in contact with Oscar via letter and causes Oz and co to sneak into Latowidge as she wrote that she has found a person she likes. It is revealed that she was the one that gave Raven his hat and is hinted that she likes Raven. Has a cat called Dinah.
- Echo Ekõ (エコー) , Seiyū - Ryō Hirohashi (CD drama)
- A girl that follows Vincent's orders. She is somewhat emotionless like a puppet and treats Vincent's word as law. Upon their first meeting, Oz mistakes her as the flower girl that died earlier. He calls her "Eiko". Echo fights with blades that come out of her long sleeves. It may seem that Vincent treasures her but he actually does not care much. In Chapter 23, he goes as far as to poison her to prove that the antidote for the poison works. Echo, too, is shown to have her own mind when she saves the bottle of antidote Vincent drops off the veranda.
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